Charleston Dundee

The Design

The client brief clearly set out that the criteria contained in Scottish Government’s Planning Advice Notice: Designing Places should underpin the design concept to create a successful environment in which to live, work and play. The fulfilment of such criteria has assisted in creating a development that is:


Safe and Pleasant

Easy to access and move around



Resource Efficient

This development incorporates a well-considered mix of terrace, semi-detached and detached two storey houses along with cottage flats containing ground floor wheelchair dwellings totalling 43 units.

Housing Mix

The Housing Mix has been established in response to the current housing demand. This incorporates the following :

  • 4 nr. 2-Bedroom Wheelchair flat
  • 2 nr 2-Bedroom Cottage Flat
  • 6 nr 3-Bedroom Cottage Flat
  • 7 nr. 2-Bedroom House
  • 21 nr. 3-Bedroom House
  • 3 nr.  4-Bedroom House

As a result, 77% of houses on the site are 3-bedroom or larger, subsequently, 100% of flats are 2-bedroom or larger.

Key Information

Abertay Housing Association is delighted to be working in partnership with the Scottish Government and Dundee City Council to develop much needed high quality affordable housing in Dundee. We are equally delighted to be working in partnership with Bancon Construction and, with positive enthusiasm, seeing the development of 43 homes rise from the ground over the coming months.
Barry Moore, Chief Executive Abertay Housing Association