The works comprise the construction of a 46 unit housing development in a mix of flats (19 no.), cottage flats, semi-detached villas and a detached villa (27 no.). Construction of the properties comprise concrete strip foundations with concrete block underbuilding walls, solid concrete ground floors with insulation, hardcore upfill and polythene damp proof membrane, pre-cast concrete stairs, steelwork to ground floor, and timber upper floors. External walls generally comprise close panel timber frame made-up with timber runners and studs, faced both sides with OSB and breather paper, 140 mm thick insulation, and plasterboard,50 mm cavity and 100 mm dense block outer leaf finished with render and/or eternit weatherboard.
Construction of roofs consists of Contractor’s Design timber trusses, OSB board, underlay membrane and concrete roof tiles. Heating installations are Contractor Designed electric ‘Dimplex Quantum’ panel heating with photovoltaic panels to all properties.
The site works relate to the works to serve the (46) No. units to tie into the existing public road and installations; an adoptable access road and suitable parking areas within the boundary of the units; paved or tarred paths throughout the development, planting, grass seeding and access paths to front and rear doors as appropriate; boundary and divisional fences. Cut/fill is required across the sites. Foul water drainage comprises connection to an existing system off site. Surface water drainage comprises connection to the existing Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes (SUDS) on site. Site services include mains water supplies, mains electricity services and telephone services with all connections to the existing main distribution networks on site.